Industry Research & Whitepapers

The Value of Connected Assets

Value of connected assets A recent report on How to Measure IoT Success from Beecham Research and sponsored by MultiTech ( highlighted major business benefits now being delivered by IoT solutions. Benefits such as: Cost Reduction, Automation, Process Improvement, Adding Value, and Predictive Maintenance. Meeting business objectives with IoT Making efficiency gains and reducing cost is

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The Journey from Smart Devices to Intelligent Systems

The Journey from Smart Devices to Intelligent Systems

The Journey from Smart Devices to Intelligent Systems Completing the IoT journey is difficult. Yet, 96% of IoT Adopters surveyed expect an ROI within just two years. Clearly envisioning an end-to-end solution and implementing it are two drastically different processes. Learn more to avoid the stumbling blocks and hurdles that organizations face in their quest

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Smart Buildings IoT powered by MultiTech Transforma Insights Whitepaper

Unlocking the Potential of Smart Buildings

Unlocking the Potential of Smart Buildings Download the White Paper Commercial and residential building managers are continually looking for ways to optimize the use of resources that result in reduced operating and maintenance costs, improved occupant comfort, and the ability to monitor and control the facility. This white paper covers a plethora of smart building

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How to Measure IoT Success

How to measure IoT success Report Sponsors Meeting business objectives with IoT In early 2020 we measured the success rate of IoT projects – and it was low. In 2023 we have measured it again – and there has been a 28% improvement. Some initial business objectives are increasingly being met with IoT solutions, but

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