Commercial Pest Control Remote Monitoring

Remote Monitoring of Bait Stations

MultiTech Custom Solutions Group has partnered with the largest manufacturer of pest traps and bait stations to literally build a better mousetrap.


Commercial pest management service providers need to physically check the status of every trap and bait station at a facility. This can easily be hundreds of devices per locations. After service, the technician writes a detailed service report.


MultiTech Custom Solutions Group partnered with the largest manufacturer of pest traps and bait stations, developing sensors which monitor rodent activity in the devices, and communicates status to our custom designed APP on the technician’s phone or PDA via a Bluetooth connection, allowing the technician to focus on the devices that need servicing. Reports are automatically completed and sent to the customer. The Service Company HQ can track account level detail through a custom portal. In addition to reducing labor required, service levels are improved, and report documentation is streamlined.